Monday, July 9, 2007


It's a mystery to me how people get through life without an authentic relationship with God. I guess I understand to a degree why people turn to addictions...drugs, booze, sex, shopping, social life, whatever the addiction may be. It makes a little more sense to me now.

I don't know what I would do without Him. No, I know exactly what I would do without Him. I would be going to Hell in Seriously, without this relationship, I would be in a gutter somewhere.

Why would people run from this? Is it simply because having faith takes work? This is the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. Why choose a god (or lack of god) that can't fulfill every aspect of your life? This is real, people. I know it seems to good to be true, but we're talking about the Ultimate Truth here.

He protects me. He fights for me. He loves me lavishly. He is committed to me even when I'm not committed to Him. He listens to me. He talks to me. He teaches me. He counsels me. He laughs with me. He makes me laugh. He comforts me. He encourages me. He cheers me on. He stands in the gap for me. He gets revenge on my enemies for me. He likes me. He allows and wants me to be just "me." He knows and cares about every single minute detail of my life. He thinks about me. If I wake up in the middle of the night, I'll catch Him in the middle of a thought about me.

I love Him. I've heard people talk about being in love with Him, and it always sounded a little out-there to me. But I understand. I've been in love with Him for years now, and it's stronger every day.

In the words of Beth Moore "He knocks my Crocs off!"